Candace Edwards
About Candace: “Since I was very young, I have always been moved by the incredible ability of a woman’s body to bring another life into the world. To me, birth is a very sacred experience and should be protected. Giving birth is not something a woman learns to do. Rather, it comes from within. It is instinctual. Women of all ages and from all walks of life, whether they birth with the support of partner or not, and no matter how or where they give birth or enter motherhood – be it at home, at a hospital, in a birthing center, or elsewhere will be impacted by the important and life-changing experience of childbirth.
“My goal as a doula is to help you have a positive birth experience by supporting the choices you have made for your labor and birth to help you have the birth you desire. Every woman’s vision for their labor and childbirth differs. No matter what your vision may be, as a doula, I am there to unconditionally support you as you journey toward motherhood. You are welcome to contact me for a consultation at no charge and to discuss how I can work with you and support you during pregnancy, labor, and birth.”
Candace is also available for maternity and birth photography around coastal and eastern North Carolina.
Contact Candace
Email: candace [at] birthherway [dot] com
Phone: 910.233.7989
Web: Birth Her Way